Pursue your passion for computers and
technology with our

Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology

Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology


This course is perfect for those seeking to be an information technology professional. You'll gain the knowledge and skills necessary in order to work as part of this field, with particular focus on computer networks or web development programs that can give you plenty more options when it comes time explore what type careers might suit your interests best!

  • Duration:
    3 years full time

  • Tuition Fee^:
    International Students
    $17,800 per year
    $53,400 total
    Domestic Students
    $13,000 per year (8 units)
    $39,000 total
    FEE-HELP available for eligible Domestic students

  • Study Mode:
    Face-to-face and
    Work-Integrated Learning (Internship)

  • Intake Dates:
    11 March 2024
    26 August 2024
    25 November 2024
    10 March 2025
    25 August 2025

  • Location:
    Perth or Adelaide

  • CRICOS Code: 112413C

^Tuition fees and other charges are set each year and will apply at the time that a Letter of Offer is issued, and are subject to annual review.

Course Entry Requirements

Entry is available to applicants 18 years or older who hold:
  • Successful completion of an Australian Senior Certificate of Education (year 12) or equivalent within the last two years, with a minimum Australian tertiary admission rank (ATAR) of 55, or equivalent; or
  • Successful completion of the International Baccalaureate (IB), including English; or
  • Satisfactory completion of at least six months consecutive study in a program deemed equivalent to an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level qualification of at least level 5 as determined by the Country Education Profiles (CEP) of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment; or
  • Satisfactory completion of at least six months consecutive study, or equivalent, at any Australian university or other Institute of Higher Education; or
  • Successful completion of a Foundation Studies program offered by a TAFE, an Australian university, or a private provider that is accredited as an AQF Certificate IV qualification or accredited as compliant with the National Standards for Foundation Programs; or
  • Successful completion of a vocational educational & training (VET) award at Certificate IV or higher at an Australian Registered Training Organisation (or equivalent); or
  • Demonstrated work and life experience. Students with work and life experience may be admitted to a course without meeting the formal academic requirements if they have relevant work experience and/or other acceptable qualifications.
  • NOTE: Students who successfully completed the Australian senior certificate of education (year 12) or equivalent more than two years ago may be admitted if they have relevant work experience and/or other acceptable qualifications.

  • An English pass level in an Australian senior certificate of education (year 12) or equivalent; or
  • Evidence of satisfactory completion of an accredited tertiary award in English
  • Attainment of a specified level of achievement in a recognised English language test, such as:
    • IELTS (or equivalent) at a score of at least 6.0 (with no individual band score less than 5.5);or
    • TOEFL internet: overall score of 60-78. section score no less than: listening: 12; speaking: 18; reading: 13; writing: 21; or
    • Pearson test of English (PTE): overall score of 50-57 (no section score less than 50); or
    • University of Cambridge – advanced (CAE): total score of 169

Stanley College considers educational disadvantage when assessing admissions. The alternative entry option is for applicants who are unable to meet the requirements for admission detailed above and allows candidates from underrepresented groups or those who have experienced educational disadvantage to seek entry into Stanley College higher education courses. Admission by the Alternate Admissions requires applicants to sit for the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) and achieve the following scores:

  • A minimum score of 135 for the STAT multiple choice component and a minimum score of 140 for the STAT written English component Ensure that stat results are available to Stanley College at least 3 weeks prior to the commencement of the academic semester in the desired intake period.

    All details of Alternate Admission and STAT details are included on the Stanley College Admissions web page. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students are encouraged to apply for entry to any undergraduate level course through general admissions or, if appropriate, by Alternate Entry. Students entering via Alternate Entry will have access to personalised student support. In addition, the Stanley College Student Support Framework incorporates transition and support elements specifically designed to support underrepresented student cohorts. Any of the following may apply to students seeking an Alternate Entry:

  • Students who do not have school, TAFE or university results within the past two years to be considered for general admissions entry
  • Students who have qualifications or certificates with ungraded assessments and no other means to satisfy general admissions entry requirements
  • Students who have not received a higher school certificate (HSC) or equivalent
  • Students who do not meet the general entry requirements but have completed non-award tertiary studies
  • Students who received an ATAR score lower than is required for general admission
  • Students with suitable work experience who cannot enter via general admissions

Applicants will be able to apply for Credit for Recognised Learning (CRL) on a case by case basis to determine their suitability and readiness for articulation into the Stanley College Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology.

Applicants with insufficient preparation to commence the Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology at Stanley College will be provided with information on other institutions that offer bridging courses or foundation studies. They will be encouraged to re-apply upon successful completion of a qualification that satisfies the College’s entry requirements.

Career Opportunities
  • Communications officer
  • Data warehouse administrator
  • Database administrator
  • Database administrator developer
  • Information officer
  • Support officer
  • Web designer
  • IT consultant
  • IT manager
  • Multimedia developer
  • Systems administrator
  • Systems analyst
  • Systems designer
  • Systems manager
Facilities and Student Support

Studying at the higher education level can be challenging, but it also offers a rewarding experience. Stanley College has plenty of services for students to help them with both their academic and personal needs:

  • Orientation Session
  • A Range of Social Activities
  • Academic Skills Support Sessions
  • Mathematics Support
  • English Support
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Accommodation Referral Services
  • Access to Computers and Free Wi-Fi On Campus
  • Employment Liaison Services
  • Personal Support and Counselling Services
  • Student Representation
Internship Opportunities

The Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology degree offered by Stanley College is designed with the practical approach of education in mind. To that end, it aims to enhance your employability skills. A key component of the degree is internships. You will get an opportunity to work within a business or other type of Organisation to gain hands-on experience while giving you an insight into your future.

Course Structure

Course Duration 3 years full time
Credit Points To graduate with a Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology, students must complete a total of 240 credit points.
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face and Work-Integrated Learning (WIL)
Location Perth or Adelaide
Units Units will be delivered over 2 semesters per year, with 4 units in each semester for a full-time load.


A completed ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security) at Stanley College will result in one year of credits (8 units or 80 credit points) into your Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology.

For other qualifications, please refer to our Credit and RPL Policy which is available on this page: https://highereducation.stanleycollege.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/

Face-to-face and Work-Integrated Learning

If English is not your first language, you will need to provide evidence that you meet the English entry requirements into the course. TOEFL and IELTS are tests often used by students, however Stanley College can also accept other English test results such as:

  • General Certificate of Education (GCE)
  • HKDSE English Language
  • Pearson Test of English – Academic (PTE-A)
  • Pearson Versant English Placement Test

For English entry requirements, please visit: https://highereducation.stanleycollege.edu.au/admission/

Orientations are compulsory for students to attend, regardless of the program, as valuable information is covered during these sessions. Orientation sessions occur one week prior to the start of formal teaching.

  • Units are delivered in one of the following session times: 0900 - 1200, 1300 - 1600, or 1630 - 1930 (3 hours per unit).
  • While most classes are scheduled on Monday and Tuesday, some units may have additional schedules on other days such as Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
  • 13 teaching weeks plus 1 week mid-semester break, 1 week study break and 1 week final exams.
  • Note that schedules may differ each semester, depending on the availability of classrooms.

WIL is an important component of the degree. Activities may include work placements, industry-based projects, case studies, simulations, virtual simulations, reflective journals, problem-based learning, mentoring from industry partners, work-related presentations, and role plays.

This program includes 120 hours Work-Integrated learning during the 3rd year.

The internship is unpaid.

International students: minimum of 0.75 EFTSL (equivalent to 3 units per semester).

For domestic students, no restrictions apply.

About 1/3 of the units have final exams. The others are assessment based.

Satisfactory completion of at least six months consecutive study in a program deemed equivalent to an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level qualification of at least level 7 as determined by the Country Education Profiles (CEP) of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

Note: No credit can be granted for any law and accounting units from offshore institutions due to differences with Australian practices.

Our course focuses on "data communications" and "applied communications". It will provide more job opportunities to our graduates.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students who complete Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology will be able to:

Demonstrate and apply a broad knowledge of information and communications technologies with depth in selected areas of study.

  • Demonstrate effective written and spoken communication with a variety of professional and non-professional stakeholders and audiences
  • Collaborate effectively with a range of professional and non-professional partners and stakeholders.

Demonstrate self-management through their ability to critically self-assess and reflect on feedback, to support their own professional and personal development.

Demonstrate integrity and accountability by responding critically and ethically to issues and dilemmas in Information Communications Technology (ICT).

Critically review, analyse, consolidate, and synthesise technical and theoretical knowledge about ICT.

Analyse and apply information and communications technologies with intellectual independence, self-learning capabilities and creativity to identify and solve problems.

Rules of Progression

The following course rules apply:
  • The Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology will be awarded upon successful completion of all 24 units of study (240 credit points).
  • Students must successfully complete pre-requisites where indicated in the unit outlines.
  • Students must successfully complete at least 6 units of study in Year 1 before progressing to Year 2 units.
  • Students must successfully complete all Year 1 units prior to commencing Year 3 of study.

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